D2024-4028 | facebookdownloader.app facebookdownloader.org facebookdownloader.pro | Meta Platforms, Inc | - | | CASE ACTIVE
D2024-3008 | whatsappplus.app whatsappplus.top | WhatsApp LLC | Shoaib Ahmed | | 16-Sep-2024 |
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D2024-2651 | artoys.app | ARTOYZ, SA / Mr Michael ROUAH | Ilya Popov, Infty lab | | 16-Aug-2024 |
D2024-3432 | tpgtelecom.apptpgtelecom.biztpgtelecom.businesstpgtelecom.network tpgtelecom.online [2 MORE] | TPG Telecom Limited | - | | CASE ACTIVE
D2024-3422 | hrpath.apphrpath.promyhrpath.comthehrpath.com tryhrpath.com usehrpath.com [3 MORE] | HR-PATH | - | | CASE ACTIVE
D2024-3239 | instadown.app fbdown.online | Instagram, LLC Meta Platforms, Inc. | - | | CASE ACTIVE
D2024-1939 | ethereum-ibm.appcryptocurrencyibm.xyzethereum-ibm.comethereum-ibm.info ethereum-ibm.net ethereum-ibm.org ethereum-ibm.vip ethereum-ibm.xyz ethereumibm.com ibmethereum.com [7 MORE] | International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) | benhe yang day song (日 曲) Deyuan Du (德元 杜) Jizu Cao (纪祖 曹) Mahmoud Ech-cheikh yan hao | | 22-Jul-2024 |
D2024-2487 | gbwhatsapppro.app | WhatsApp LLC | Apps.Pk | | 29-Jul-2024 |
D2024-3128 | saveinsta.appsaveig.appigdownloader.appfbreels.app instadpdownloads.com instagramdownloader.xyz saveinsta.me [4 MORE] | Instagram, LLC Meta Platforms, Inc. | - | | CASE ACTIVE
D2024-2999 | whatsappaero.appanwhatsapp.profmwhatsapp.cofouadwhatsapp.download gbwhatsapp.gold gbwhatsappplus.org gbwhatsapppros.com gbwhatsapppros.net gbwhatsappz.com gbwhatsappz.net whatsappblue.org whatsappgb.co whatsappgold.org whatsappplus.com.co [11 MORE] | WhatsApp, LLC | - | | CASE ACTIVE
D2024-1845 | curity.appcurity.cccurity.clubcurity.life curity.network curity.shop curity.store curity.top [5 MORE] | Curity I/O AB | Alexander Lyons Fen Hu Justin Liu Fen MEI WANG | | 04-Jul-2024 |
D2024-1952 | atacadao.app | Atacadão S.A. Carrefour SA | atacadao | | 03-Jul-2024 |
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D2024-0992 | axa-espace.app | AXA SA | fj axa, axa | | 13-May-2024 |
D2024-0691 | fbvideodownloader.app facebookvideodownloader.org igram.online | Instagram, LLC Meta Platforms, Inc. | Sonia Webster, tan alisa, tecent | | 16-Apr-2024 |
D2024-0639 | lavazzacoffee.app | Luigi Lavazza S.p.A. | Berk Şener, Lavazza Coffee | | 08-Apr-2024 |
D2024-0789 | synopsys.app | Synopsys, Inc. | Kelsey Salman | | 05-Apr-2024 |
D2024-0246 | my-intrumid.appmy-intrum.appintrum-id.appbetale-intrum.info hjelpintrum.com intrum-hjelp.com intrum-id.com intrum-innbetaling.com intrum-norge.com intrum-regning.com intrum-service.com intrumbetaling.com intrumnorge.com minintrum.com my-intrum.co my-intrum.com myintrum.com service-intrum.com [15 MORE] | Intrum AB | Kim Ku, Kimku Host | | 12-Mar-2024 |
D2024-0144 | instagramvideodownloader.app instadownload.app instadl.app | Instagram, LLC | Aangothu Renuka Jawaharlal N, Instadownloader | | 07-Mar-2024 |
D2023-4241 | driverhire.app | Driver Hire Group Services Limited | David Conway | | 06-Dec-2023 |
D2023-4111 | instasaver.appfinsta.proinstareelsdownload.netinstarix.net instastories.pro instastories.watch storiesig.me [4 MORE] | Instagram, LLC | Ihor Grigoriev Ivan Vasiliev | | 04-Dec-2023 |
D2023-4176 | whatsappbulk.app whatsapptoplumesaj.com | WhatsApp, LLC. | ERSİN HACIOĞLU, vatansoft.net | | 27-Nov-2023 |
D2023-4035 | elasticsearch.app | Elasticsearch B.V. | - | | TERMINATED
D2023-3723 | instagrampro.app | Instagram, LLC. | pinoy tvshows | | 10-Nov-2023 |
D2023-3717 | autotunes.app | Antares Audio Technologies, LLC | - | | TERMINATED
D2023-3797 | lipsy.app | Next Group Plc | Ya Lin, Nameplus | | 04-Oct-2023 |
D2023-3739 | sodexosaldo.app | SODEXO | asd as dfsa | | 18-Oct-2023 |
D2023-3253 | alightmotion.app alightmotion.net | Splice Video Editor S.r.l. | Alight motion and Ladu Blogs | | 10-Oct-2023 |
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D2023-2780 | metaquest.app | Meta Platforms, Inc. Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC | Lin Ya | | 15-Aug-2023 |
D2023-2470 | picassoai.app | Indivision Picasso also called The Picasso Estate | - | | TERMINATED
D2023-2025 | zellepaymentbanking.appbusinesszellepay.comsecuredzelle.netsecurezelle.com zelle-customercare.com zelle-pay-transactions.com zelle-pay.business zelle-pay.net zellealertbanking.net zellebankings.com zellebankingservice.com zellebankssupport.com zellebilling.com zelleboa.com zellecustomerhelp.net zelleincpay.com zellelimits.info zelleofficial.info zelleonlineservices.org zelleonlinetransfers.com zellepaybankings.com zellepaybankingtransfer.org zellepaybanks.net zellepaybtc.com zellepayhelp.org zellepayinternetbanking.com zellepaymente-mail.net zellepaymentserver.org zellepaymentservice.org zellepaymsn.com zellepayport.org zellepaysupp.com zellepaysupporte-mail.com zellepaysupportemail.com zellepaysupportline.com zellepaysystemtransferservice.com zellepayupdate.org zellereceipt.com zellereceipt1.com zellerepaymentbusiness.com zellereview.com zellers.dev zellesafetransfer.com zelleserve.com zelleserviceintl.com zellesupporte-mail.com zellesupportonline.com zelleteamsupport.com zellewebpayment.com zelleworkbusiness.com [47 MORE] | Early Warning Services, LLC | Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 7151571251 Crystal Bonadona, Crystal Bonadona Early Warning LLC, Zelle Etransfer Hung Lee, zelle pay James Hines judith canaday Justin Keys liza freeman liza freeman liza freeman Online Payment, Zelle payment tffuygi dfchgvj Wrld Moon Zelle Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay zelle pay zelle pay Zelle Pay, ZELLE Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zellepay Zelle Payment, Zelle Zelle Support, Zelle Support Zelle Support, Zelle Support Zelle, Zelle Zellepay Business, Zellepy | | 25-Jul-2023 |
D2023-2369 | mercurecasino.appmercurecasinogir.commercurecasinogiris.commercurecasinosgiris.com mercuretv.live [2 MORE] | Accor | atakan ar\u0131k atakan ar\u0131k Domains By Proxy, LLC Gorkem Atalay, a John Smith Orhan Alish Yusein, Orhan Alish Yusein | | 01-Aug-2023 |
D2023-2229 | zellemail.appzellecustomer.appzellecash.appzellebusiness.app zelle-mailservice.com zelle-serviceteam.com zelleapp.business zelleapp.support zelleapp.xyz zellebankpay.net zellebusinessbank.org zellebusinessemail.com zellebusinesstransfer.com zellechats.com zellecustomer.net zellecustomerpay.com zellecustomerpay.net zellecustomerpay.org zelledown.com zellefast.com zellehelpservice.com zellelimit.site zellelogin.com zellemail.info zellemail.net zellemail.org zellenotficationsupport.com zellenotificationsupport.com zellenotificationtext.com zelleonepaid.net zelleonlinepayemail.com zellepay-service.com zellepay.live zellepayalert.net zellepayb.com zellepaycustomer.org zellepaye.com zellepayinformation.com zellepaylogs.com zellepaylogss.com zellepaylogsss.com zellepaymentonlineservices.com zellepaynetwork.com zellepayservlces.com zellepaytransaction.net zellepayus.com zellequickpaybanks.com zellereplynotification.com zelleupgradeservices.com zelleuser.org [47 MORE] | Early Warning Services, LLC | BRIGHT EKWERE, Zelle Pay Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 7151571251 DerrickRobert Peter Zelle . Zelle . zelle ., zelle . Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., Zelle Zelle ., zelle Zelle ., zelle Zelle ., zelle ZELLE PAY Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle Pay Zelle pay Zelle pay Zelle pay Zelle Pay, BRIGHT EKWERE Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle zelle pay, zelle Zelle Pay, Zellepay zelle pay, zellepaylogss.com Zelle Quickpay, zelle quickpay Zelle®️ R, Zelle®️ zelle service, zelle Zelle Support, Zelle | | 02-Aug-2023 |
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D2022-4135 | walgreensx.app | Walgreen Co. | Nicholas Bach, Paid Equity partners | | 17-Jul-2023 |
D2023-2020 | simonshop.app simonshop.com | Simon Property Group, L.P. | christo leo, leo Name Redacted Redacted For Privacy / See PrivacyGuardian.org | | 13-Jul-2023 |
D2023-1881 | ratp.app ratp.dev | Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) | - | | TERMINATED
D2023-1507 | grantify.appgrantify.comgrantify.netgrantify.org [1 MORE] | GRANTIFY LTD | William Hood Organization: WLH,LLC | | 20-Jun-2023 |
D2023-1743 | williamsonoma.app | Williams-Sonoma, Inc. | - | | TERMINATED
D2023-1184 | citya.app citya.dev | Citya Immobilier | Profimobility s.r.o., Thu Thao Nguyen | | 10-May-2023 |
D2022-4480 | zelleservice.appzellepayhelp.appbusinesszellemail.compaymentzelle.info zelle0pay.com zelleagency.com zelleaid.com zelleappsafe.com zellearlystagefund.com zellebanking.net zellebankingapp.net zelleboa.net zellebusinesscustomer.com zellebusinessmail.com zellecitibank.net zellecustomerbusiness.com zellecustomerservice.org zellecustomersystemsupport.com zellegeneral.com zellehelpcentre.com zellelogin.org zellelogo.info zelleonlinebanking.net zelleonlinepay.net zelleorg.com zellepaybank.net zellepaybankorg.com zellepaybusinessteam.com zellepaycitibankbank.com zellepaycitibanking.net zellepayhelps.com zellepayment.business zellepaymentbank.com zellepaymentbank.net zellepayonlinehelps.com zellepayport.com zellepayreferencebank.com zellepayteamsupport.com zellepayusaabank.com zellercell.com zellereviewcenter.com zellessupport.com zellesupportysystem.com zellesystemsupport.com zelletransactions.com zelleupgradebusinessaccount.com [43 MORE] | Early Warning Services, LLC | BRET LAFELLETTE Customer Service, Customer service Mirandez Chocho, Zelle Olanrewaju Lawrence, Zelle pay Secured Payment, Secured payment Time Nodey, Proke Zelle Online, Zelle ZELLE PAY Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Online Banking Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle Zelle Pay, Zelle® Zelle Pay, Zelle® ZELLE PAY, ZELLE PAY ZELLE PAY, ZELLE PAY ZELLE PAY, ZELLE PAY ZELLE PAY, ZELLE PAY ZELLE PAY, ZELLE PAY Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle pay Zelle Pay, Zelle pay Zelle Pay, Zelle pay Zelle Pay, Zelle pay Zelle pay, Zelle Pay zelle Pay, Zelle Pay Zelle Pay, Zelle pay port Zelle Pay, Zellebusinesspay.com Zelle Pay, Zellepay Zelle Payment, Zellepaymentreview Zelle Support Zelle Support Zelle Support Zelle Support Zelle Support, Zelle Zelle Support, Zelle Zelle Support, Zelle Zelle Team, Zelle Zellepay Info, Zellepay | | 06-Mar-2023 |
D2022-4279 | fbmetacoin.appfbmetacoin.cometacoin.biometacoin.cab metacoin.gift [2 MORE] | Meta Platforms, Inc. | Host Master, 1337 Services LLC | | 08-Feb-2023 |
D2022-4587 | tiktokplus18.app | Bytedance Ltd. | edwin caster | | 30-Jan-2023 |
D2022-4656 | whatsappgroups.app | WhatsApp LLC. | Petar Ivanov | | 30-Jan-2023 |
D2022-4696 | meta-quest.appametaquest.comdmetaquest.commeta-quest.xyz metaquest.beer metaquest.kiwi metaquest365.com metaquestbox.com metaquestdao.com metaquestdaos.com metaquestfi.com metaquestone.com metaquestonline.com metaquestverse.com openmetaquest.com questmeta.org [13 MORE] | Meta Platforms, Inc. Meta Platforms Technologies, LLC | 昭龙 叶 | | 22-Jan-2023 |
D2022-3904 | oasisprotocol.app | AStar Technologies, Ltd. Oasis Labs, Inc. | john jack, ko | | 27-Dec-2022 |
D2022-3833 | microban.app | Microban Products Company | - | | TERMINATED
D2022-3420 | cmore.app | C More Entertainment AB | Jonathan Norling / NZD Securities, Inc. | | 23-Nov-2022 |
D2022-3130 | whatsappgrouplink.app | WhatsApp LLC | Registration Private / Domains By Proxy, LLC / Kiran Kumar | | 25-Oct-2022 |
D2022-3108 | phoodle.app | Athleats LLC | Domain Protection Services, Inc. / Shinjiru International Inc. | | 18-Oct-2022 |
D2022-3433 | phoenixcontact.app phoenixcontact.site phoenixcontact.vip | Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG | - | | TERMINATED
D2022-3100 | soprasteria.app | Sopra Steria Group | Ralph Ouensanga | | 07-Oct-2022 |
2011369 | rocketmortgage.appdaisyrocketmortgage.comnotrocketmortgage.comrocketmortgage-pro.com rocketmortgage.loans rocketmortgage.xyz rocketmortgageapplication.com rocketmortgagetx.com rocketpro.mortgage rocketrenomortgage.com rocketrenovationmortgage.com rocketsciencemortgage.com rocketyourmortgage.com [10 MORE] | - | - | UDRP | PENDING
D2022-2761 | streamlit.app streamlit.cloud | Snowflake Inc. | - | | TERMINATED
D2022-2092 | carrefour-compte.app | Carrefour SA | Jordan Liengme | | 20-Aug-2022 |
D2022-2278 | lidlplus.app | Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG | Wu Yu | | 15-Aug-2022 |
D2022-1746 | step.app | Gunther Marktl StepsApp GmbH | Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf / Michael Smirnov (or Michael Smirnoff), Step Labs L.L.C-FZ | | 09-Aug-2022 |
D2022-1645 | carrefourbanque.app | Carrefour SA | Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 7151571251/ Duchesne | | 19-Jul-2022 |
D2022-0783 | biontech.app | BioNTech SE | - | | TERMINATED
D2022-1271 | dapple.app | Dapper Labs Inc., | - | | TERMINATED
D2022-0966 | carefour.app carefour.me | Carrefour SA | SOPHIE SCHEMANN, Personal use | | 18-May-2022 |
D2022-0642 | belfiusdirectnet.appbelfius-afspraak.infobelfius-app.mebelfius-contract.info belfius-cotracten.live belfius-deblokkering.info belfius-direct.net belfius-mobilebank.co belfius-mobilebank.com belfius.live belfius.sbs belfiusbanquemobile.com belfiusbroker.com belfiusbrokers.com belfiuscrypto.com belfiusmobile-be.help belfiusmobile-contract.com belfiusmobile.me deblokering-belfius.digital mijnbelfius-account.co mijnbelfius-account.com mijnbelfius-account.me mijnbelfius-app.digital mijnbelfius-be-direct.digital mijnbelfius-be.co mijnbelfius-be.com mijnbelfius-be.digital mijnbelfius-be.one mijnbelfius-be.online mijnbelfius-direct.me pro-belfiusbe.club [28 MORE] | Belfius Bank S.A. / Belfius Bank N.V. | Aa Izan Baby Centro Client Apk Client Json France Chaumont Fredrik Izan Jan Willem Jn Willem Juul Tries TYI Kibun Moksi Morgen Anders Nkem Express Pi Po Privacy Service Provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf Tai Lopez Vvs Awaken | | 26-May-2022 |
D2022-1310 | payoneer.app | Payoneer, Inc. | Privacy Service Provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf / Irfan Hanif, Oonsoft | | 18-May-2022 |
D2022-1276 | carrefour.app | Carrefour SA | Super Privacy Service LTD c/o Dynadot / Mark Cendic | | 18-May-2022 |
1991932 | getseesaw.app | SEESAW LEARNING, INC. | Ven Rajagopala | UDRP | 10-May-2022 |
D2022-0300 | verisure.app | Verisure Sàrl | JOHN ODUMOSU, MYWAY | | 31-Mar-2022 |
D2022-0418 | whatsapp-business.app | WhatsApp LLC | - | | TERMINATED
D2021-4051 | bitrise.appbitrise.bizbitrise.exchangebitrise.finance bitrise.one bitrise.tech bitriseaudits.com bitrisecharity.org bitrisecoin.com bitrisedex.com bitrisepay.com bitrisepro.com bitrisetoken-promogive.com bitrisetoken.com bitrisetoken.net bitrisetoken.org bitrisetoken.site bitrisetokenauth.site bitrisewalet.com bitrisewallet.com [17 MORE] | Bitrise Inc Bitrise Limited | Danny Harris / Emmanuel Ewusi / David Koeman / Lora Mutner / 石磊 (Lei Shi) / leland li / BitRise Network | | 10-Mar-2022 |
1983299 | savefrom.app | ULIONA LIMITED | Daniel Mananta | UDRP | 08-Mar-2022 |
D2021-4314 | govdeliveryauth.app govdelivery.xyz | Granicus, LLC | Withheld for Privacy Purposes / Amtim salim | | 22-Feb-2022 |
D2021-3910 | liverpoolfc.app | The Liverpool Football Club and Athletic Grounds Limited | Daniel Graf | | 17-Feb-2022 |
D2021-4055 | sniffmap.app | Sniffies, LLC | See PrivacyGuardian.org / Serghei Scelcunov | | 27-Jan-2022 |
1979992 | lorax.app | Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. | Domains By Proxy, LLC et al. | URS | 30-Jan-2022 |
D2021-4105 | shagle.app chatrandom.app chatki.app | Fox Global, Inc. | - | | TERMINATED
D2021-3513 | metacam.app | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH. | - | | TERMINATED
D2021-2825 | redboxtv.app redboxtv.live redboxtvpro.com | Redbox Automated Retail, LLC d/b/a Redbox | Withheld for Privacy Purposes, Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf / Alex Stanley | | 07-Dec-2021 |
1971473 | authy.app | Twilio Inc. | Domain Admin / Whois Privacy Corp. | UDRP | 13-Dec-2021 |
D2021-2414 | carrefourpass.app carrefourpass.promo | Carrefour SA | Zebi | | 27-Oct-2021 |
1965059 | subzero.app | Sub-Zero, Inc. | Viljami Ylönen / INTL Enterprises | UDRP | 05-Nov-2021 |
D2021-2772 | elixoo.appelixoo.bizelixoo.coelixoo.exchange elixoo.network elixoo.online elixoo.org [4 MORE] | Edda Nowak Elixoo GmbH | Elixoo.org Withheld for Privacy ehf / Taylor Pope, Elixoo LTD / Taylor Taylor, Elixoo LTD | | 11-Oct-2021 |
1962697 | myaarpmedicare.appmyaarpmedicare.bestmyaarpmedicare.bidmyaarpmedicare.bio myaarpmedicare.blog myaarpmedicare.blue myaarpmedicare.care myaarpmedicare.center myaarpmedicare.clinic myaarpmedicare.company myaarpmedicare.cool myaarpmedicare.date myaarpmedicare.expert myaarpmedicare.express myaarpmedicare.family myaarpmedicare.fit myaarpmedicare.fun myaarpmedicare.fyi myaarpmedicare.guide myaarpmedicare.guru myaarpmedicare.health myaarpmedicare.help myaarpmedicare.icu myaarpmedicare.kim myaarpmedicare.life myaarpmedicare.link myaarpmedicare.live myaarpmedicare.ltd myaarpmedicare.mom myaarpmedicare.news myaarpmedicare.one myaarpmedicare.onl myaarpmedicare.page myaarpmedicare.party myaarpmedicare.plus myaarpmedicare.red myaarpmedicare.review myaarpmedicare.reviews myaarpmedicare.rip myaarpmedicare.rocks myaarpmedicare.run myaarpmedicare.shop myaarpmedicare.tips myaarpmedicare.today myaarpmedicare.top myaarpmedicare.vin myaarpmedicare.vip myaarpmedicare.wiki myaarpmedicare.win myaarpmedicare.work myaarpmedicare.world myaarpmedicare.xyz myaarpmedicare.zone [50 MORE] | AARP | priyal parikh / Guddu theweb / Rahmat Ali / Amin Mokki / Rahul Ravindra / Pradeep technologies / Pawan Kumar / urban fashion225 / Amin Mokki / Thomas Burns | UDRP | 11-Oct-2021 |
D2021-2196 | alitalia.app | Alitalia - Società Aerea Italiana S.p.A. | Domains By Proxy, LLC / Doneinco Inglese | | 26-Aug-2021 |
D2021-1780 | csbetway.app csbetway.bet csbetway.com | Merryvale Ltd. | Gtrbet Network, 88 | | 11-Aug-2021 |
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1954582 | chianetwork.app | Chia Network, Inc. | abdulla gainulin / Time Bank | UDRP | 05-Aug-2021 |
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